Sunday, September 25, 2011

UTT Blog #2

When sharing your faith as a Christian we need to keep in mind that everyone was not raised up the same way, so this might cause him or her to have a very different worldview. We need to learn how to listen to their concerns and then address then politely.  If someone disagrees with you, don’t get mad and tell them they are wrong, but rather have a good discussion and try to look at it from their perspective and see why they believe what they do. From here you can respectfully disagree and share your thoughts and why you believe it.
As Christians I believe we need to be more open minded to others. A lot of people when they think of Christians, they think of people tying to shove the Bible down their throats. This is not what being a Christian is about. Christians should be more understanding to those who don’t share the same beliefs. We as Christians need to reflect God in our actions. We need to be good ambassadors of Christ. This means that we need to be real with people. We can’t be quick to judge people for their actions, because we don’t know what they have been through that might have made them make the decisions they did.  Everyone sins, and just as God forgives us we need to learn how to forgive others as well. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

UTT blog #1 worldview

A worldview is simply how one looks at the world. The best example I have heard is how people look through glasses, not everyone needs the same prescription of glasses, but they help everyone see the world. So everyone has a worldview but that doesn’t mean they all have to be the same.
Developing a Christian worldview is not something that happens all at once it takes time. I have developed my Christian worldview over many years at Christian schools. I have also been educated from the church. So all of my life I have been fed Christian ideas and beliefs. All of this is good but only being around Christians comes with a risk. What I’m talking about is never being challenged in your faith. If we as Christians never or rarely go outside of our Christian bubble, we will never learn other beliefs. We need to learn other religions beliefs so that we can understand these people better and not be disconnected from this world we live in. If we take the time to research other religions then we can better understand and defend our own. To truly have a strong Christian worldview you also need to know the bible. You don’t need to know all of it but you need to learn how to study it. If you know how to study it then it is easier to understand the lesson that God intended for you. So to truly have a good Christian worldview you need to have a balance of knowing your religion, knowing others beliefs, and know how to properly study scripture. If you know all of these things you will have a solid Christian Worldview.