Sunday, October 2, 2011

Utt blog #3 Pantheism

“The All”

At first, when watching this video I knew I didn’t agree with it, but I didn’t know how to respond. Pantheism is so general I didn’t even know where to begin. I started thinking about Pantheism, and how there is basically no proof for this religion.  Logically it just doesn’t make any sense. The Bible has historical facts imbedded inside of it. The Bible is also a huge book and it never contradicts itself once! The Bible is so complex; it is one of those things that just cant be made up. What does Pantheism have? What do they base their beliefs on? Pantheism in my opinion is probably the most illogical religious claim out there.
Pantheism states that we are all gods. They say that everything is equal. Really? A human is equal to a housefly? I strongly disagree with this. If everything is equal than why do Humans have control over every other species? If we were all gods, wouldn’t we all have the same authorities and capabilities? Pantheism is so broad of a religion its not even funny. Pantheism cannot even explain evil. If we are all gods then how come human do horrible things. Would a god put millions of people or “other gods” into concentration camps? How can it be possible for gods to kill other gods? Pantheism cant even answer what the purpose of life is. If a human is equal to an ant then how could their ways of life be so far from each other’s and still be equal. None of this makes any sense. In the video it also said that the All has always been here. How can Pantheism even say that? So if we are the All then we created ourselves. If we were gods then we should be able to still create stuff now. One could seriously ask a Pantheist any question about there religion and they wouldn’t have a logical answer for it. Pantheism can’t even answer the basic questions of life; there for I know it is false.

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