Sunday, December 11, 2011

Biology #1

The worldview of Naturalism has many problems or issues that just don’t add up. While Christians believe that we came to be by intelligent design, Naturalist does not. A Naturalist believes in Evolution. By Evolution I mean the theory in which Darwin described as being random and formed by non-living things that they cannot explain.
The first big problem that I see with the Naturalistic explanation of life has to do with the fossil records. Evolution claims that over time animals have slowly transformed into different species. If this were true there would be many transitional fossils of this. According to the Evolutionist there should be a lot of these out there. The truth is though we haven’t found one transitional fossil. This is a huge problem for someone that believes is Evolution. I would argue that it takes more faith to believe in evolution then to believe in an intelligent creator.
The second problem that evolutionists have, is trying to explain how these what they call “Mutations.” Mutations are a negative thing in which things change in the genes of the organism. Evolutionists say that animals mutations aloud them to change or transform into other species. Today almost all mutations have a negative affect. For example Down syndrome is an example of a “mutation.” Down syndrome does not help a child but hinders him in life. Another example of a mutation is the four-winged fruit fly. At first this looked like having more wings would benefit the fly but no…  This fly’s wings weren’t attached to the muscles so the extra set or wings was just a hindrance to it. This fly could only survive in a laboratory. My point is that Mutations are bad therefore they could have not of played a role in evolution.
The third problem with evolution is with physics, in this case the Second Law of Thermodynamics. This law says that the process of the Universe goes from order to chaos. For example if you left your laptop outside. When you first placed it outside it was functioning. After a month of sitting outside the weather has will destroy it. It is now rusted, dented and just useless. While this is what happens in real life, Evolution believes the opposite. They think that the world came to be by “the big bang” or in other words “chaos.” They think that the world is then working towards order. The Second law of Thermodynamics proves this wrong therefore Evolution cannot be true. 

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