Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Socialism is defined by dictionary.com as “a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.” So the idea behind it is that everyone is equal and deserves the same amount of wealth. So socialism believes that it’s the government’s job to make everything equal.
While socialism may sound good at first because they believe everyone is equal, the ways of doing this cause’s more harm than good. In a society where the government is based on socialism a Doctor with get paid the same as a janitor. This is ridiculous because the doctor had to go to college for many years and endure strenuous courses. While the janitor started to work right after high school, with no additional training. A Doctors job is very complex and serious while a janitor’s job any capable person can do. So in this “perfect society” a hard working man would not be rewarded at all. This is why socialism does NOT work! It rewards the lazy and punishes the hard workers.
Socialism would work in a perfect society, but that’s not the world we live in. We live in a corrupt world with people that steal, murder, lie, ect. As Christians we believe we live in a fallen world so we know that this stuff will occur. So in knowing that the world we live in is corrupt we should be able to observe that socialism would not work for a long period of time because it is based on the principles that everyone will have good intentions for one another and will always work hard for the community. Socialism will eventually lead to laziness because there is no reward for working hard. So eventually no one will be motivated. And when a society has no motivation to succeed they will collapse.

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